What's new in Flex 4.6 SDK and Flash Builder 4.6
Next release from Adobe for flash platform is Flex 4.6. Flex 4.6 is the next major step in cross-platform mobile application development. With a scheduled release later this year, the new version of the SDK and a corresponding free update to Flash Builder will offer a host of new components and functionality specifically designed to help create applications for the latest mobile and tablet devices. In next release of flex 4.6 many new components will be added. SplitViewNavigator A new top-level application component specifically designed for the tablet experience. With only a few lines of code, manage the layout of multiple views and have them adapt automatically based on device orientation. CallOutButton A versatile component that pops over existing content and can contain text, components or even entire views. SpinnerList This popular tablet component is an adaption of the existing List component. It not only has a new look, but also gives options like recirculating ...