
Showing posts with the label iPhone

PhoneGap - Open Source Mobile Framework

Build your app once with web-standards Based on HTML5, PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best... HTML and JavaScript.  Wrap it with PhoneGap Using the free open source framework or PhoneGap build you can get access to native APIs. Deploy to multiple platforms! PhoneGap uses standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices. Supported Features Getting Started API Reference Development Tools   Reference :

Native Extensions Documentation

Native extensions for Adobe AIR are a combination of ActionScript classes and native code that provide easy access to device-specific libraries and features that are not available in the built-in ActionScript classes. For more information check below links. Using native extensions for Adobe AIR Native extensions for Adobe AIR

Extend Adobe AIR (for device specific native capabilities)

The Adobe AIR 3 release candidate adds support for native extensions, allowing developers can create and use ActionScript libraries with native code to take advantage of platform and device specific native capabilities and APIs with easy integration into AIR applications. More Details : Adobe Air 3 :