Commitment and Excellence in Life
Commitment is the language of the wise, Complaint is the language of the fools. Commitment is a responsibility and also includes accountability. In life, one should be responsible as well as accountable. Generally one takes responsibility without accountability; this weakens one’s being. Our weaknesses result in disappointment. Disappointment should be cremated and not garlanded. People derive a sadistic pleasure from disappointment. This is a primitive pleasure, like a grownup boy sucking his thumb. To cremate disappointment, one should strengthen one’s strengths. The greatest strength comes from the energy of commitment and brings in excellence in all walks of life. Few people traverse the road of success without a puncture or two but it is commitment to excellence that takes them through. Observe nature and see how other being are committed. For example, look at an eagle. From a range of 5 km, it focuses on its prey. Can we focus on our goals like an eagle? ...